How is my child or young person referred to the Educational Psychology Service?

How is my child or young person referred to the educational psychology service?

Referrals to the Educational Psychology Service are from schools and settings which trade with us, which means that we cannot take referrals directly from parent carers. However, if you would like to discuss any needs that your child or young person may have, then you could speak to the SENDCo or key adult at their school or setting. Usually, schools or settings try to put support and interventions in place before referring to the Educational Psychology Service. Any referrals would always be made in partnership with parent carers and/ or the young person.

We offer support at various points across the graduated response but always in consultation, and with the agreement of, parent carers and settings.

Adult and child talking

Adult and child talking

My child has been referred to the educational psychology service, what happens next?

If your child/young person is referred to our service we will try our best to meet with you to discuss your child/young person’s strengths and needs. In agreement with you and the setting, based upon need, here are some of the ways we might help:

  • Have discussions with setting staff and Education, Health and Care practitioners that know your child/young person
  • Make contributions to meetings and reviews
  • Support problem-solving
  • Carry out relevant assessments, for example observations, assessments of thinking and learning skills and social/emotional development
  • Offer short-term pieces of work with individuals and small groups
  • Give written and verbal feedback
  • Provide staff training, e.g. in relation to specific special educational needs
  • Suggest helpful resources
  • Signpost to other relevant sources of support

Supporting documents for referrals

Reviews and feedback

Often a review meeting is arranged for the Educational Psychologist to feedback to staff and parent carers together. This can provide the setting and parent carers with ideas of ways to support their child or young person and can help in planning next actions, if they are required.

Further help and information can be found on the following websites:

Rotherham SENDIASS

Rotherham Parent Carers Forum

Rotherham SEND Local Offer

three adults talking