Adult Social Care performance

Local Account

We are committed to delivering quality adult social care services to people living in Rotherham.

We create our Local Account report every year, by checking the quality of our services. This helps us to best meet the needs of our residents with the resources available to us.

Local quality checks

Our Contract Compliance Team carry out regular checks of the care and support services we commission. This is to ensure that the services are safe, of high quality, and in line with both national regulations and our local standards.

We judge the quality and safety in care and support services against our Quality Assessment Framework. We visit services to verify their quality. When standards do not meet our expectations, we give the provider an improvement plan. This includes timeframes for the plan. We stay informed about issues that need action by gathering and using data.

This means we can:

  • promote excellence
  • confirm compliance against set standards
  • ensure that services are sustainable and can continue to provide service
  • make the best use of public money