Armed Forces - Community and Relationships

Communities and Relationships

Rotherham Armed Forces Community Covenant Group

All the signatories to the Covenant form the membership of the Rotherham Armed Forces Community Covenant Group which meets quarterly to identify key issues affecting the Armed Forces Community. They work together to ensure that any failings affecting the armed forces community are challenged and changed. The Group also works together to develop good practice in implementing the Armed Forces Covenant across Rotherham.

The Covenant Group works from a detailed action plan if anyone would like a copy this can be requested by using the contact us form below:

Contact us


Minutes of Armed Forces Covenant Group Meetings


If you are interested in joining one of the Cadet Forces as an Adult Instructor or as a Cadet, full information can be found on the national websites with links to local contacts:

Sea Cadets
Working With the Royal Navy and Maritime Community | MSSC (
Army Cadets
Fun, Friendship, Action And Adventure | Army Cadets UK
Air Cadets
RAF Air Cadets | RAF Benevolent Fund (
Or for more information visit
Cadets - RFCA Yorkshire (

Armed Forces Champion

Cllr Eve Rose Keenan is the Council’s appointed Armed Forces Champion and can be contacted at


The first Friday of every month, there will be a drop-in service at the Silverwood Miners’ Welfare and Resource Centre. The drop in will be hosted by the Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Eve Keenan.

The drop-in will run from 10:15 – 11:30 a.m.

This is a chance for Veterans to raise any issues, concerns or just have a friendly chat. The offer is also extended to any member of the Armed Forces community:

  • Families
  • Cadets
  • Reservists
  • Regular Personnel
  • Merchant Navy


Doncaster Road
S65 3ET