Site selected
Wellgate (From Doncaster Gate to junction with Hollowgate)
The proposal will look to improve the general appearance of the area by introducing soft landscaping and considering other public realm improvements such as improved footway surfacing, additional bins, rationalisation/replacement of bollards and cycle stands.
Current site issues
Wellgate is a vibrant shopping area and gateway to the Town Centre. At the junction of Wellgate and Hollowgate a number of residential properties have recently been constructed and this has involved an element of soft landscaping.
Along this stretch of Wellgate there are pockets of land which would benefit from landscape improvements, such as the surface car park and the land to the corner of Wellgate and Hollowgate.
Footway surfacing and street furniture is inconsistent and appears dated in places. It is considered that a general uplift of the area is required to provide an improved environment for local businesses, customers, new residents and people passing through the area.

Details of Proposal
A concept design has been developed which looks to improve the public realm in the area.
A community consultation on the draft proposal took place in 2022 and feedback from the consultation has been evaluated and incorporated into the detailed design for the scheme.
Improvements to the surface car park are proposed, including wildflower planting under the existing trees to the rear of the car park, the provision of bespoke metal panels to define the space and add interest as well as tree and shrub planting to the site frontage.
The number of bollards throughout the area is proposed to be reduced and those remaining are proposed to be upgraded to a unified style.
The area surrounding the new residential properties is proposed to be enhanced with paving and soft landscaping features.
Further opportunities for planters and soft landscaping is also highlighted in the concept design.

Scheme Progress and Next Steps
The above concept design has been developed and a period of consultation with local residents and businesses will now take place.
Consultation period is ongoing. It is hoped that the work will start on site early 2024.
For further information on this scheme please contact the Local Neighbourhoods Team:
Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Andrea Mason
Telephone: 07825 125390
Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Shaun Mirfield
Telephone: 01709 255041