Council tenders and contracts

YORtender is the Council's e-tendering system. The majority of our contracts are now tendered using this facility.

You can see what opportunities are currently available with us and other local councils, and bid for the work.


Procurement process and procedures

Please see the following guidance for suppliers on the Procurement Specific Questionnaire.

Guidance for procurement specific questionnaire

Awarded contracts

The contract register gives details of all current contracts that we hold. This covers a number of services and areas of the Council.

You can see what we buy, how much we spend and who to contact with further queries.

View our current contracts

Additional support

The rules governing public procurement are changing

The new Procurement Act will improve the way procurement is done, so that every pound goes further for our public services. This guide has been designed for Small & Medium Enterprises to help them understand the key changes, including new procurement procedures, transparency requirements / notices, the new central digital platform and participation conditions. It also touches on supplier measurement and contract management and how to prepare for the changes coming.

You can view the Procurement Act guide by using the link below: 

Procurement Act Guide