Sports grounds safety
We are responsible for enforcing the recommendations contained in the "Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds" published by The Stationery Office and often known as the Green Guide. The Guide lays down detailed advice related to such matters as adequate structure, provisions of gangways, fire escapes, crash barrier design and engineering services, all necessary to comply with the Acts. When all matters related to Safety are in place a Safety Certificate can be issued.
We also provide advice and guidance on safety at sports grounds, in relation to:
- Crowd control
- Means of escape
- Structural stability
- Access for disabled
Rotherham Building Control Consultancy have worked closely with Rotherham United as part of the Safety Advisory Group since work started on New York Stadium. We continue to have a close relationship with the club and advise them regarding any changes that need to be made to the ground and we attend regular meetings with local emergency services to monitor and review the general running of New York Stadium.