You can use this section of the website to find information, support and advice if you are a carer in Rotherham.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who can’t cope without support. This might be because of illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction.
You might care for someone for a few hours each week, or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You might be:
- an adult caring for other adults
- a parent caring for children who are ill or have a disability
- a young person caring for a parent, sibling, relative, or friend
Carer services and support
Find out how to get an adult social care assessment in Rotherham. Learn how to get support, who can get it, and the steps to make a care plan just for you.
Learn about Rotherham's Carers Emergency Scheme. Find out how to sign up, what support you can get, and how it helps in emergencies.
Join Rotherham's Carers Forums to meet other carers, share your experiences, and find helpful resources. Learn about meetings, support networks, and how to share your ideas for local carer services.
Find out about financial help for carers in Rotherham. Learn about benefits, grants, and other programs to help you manage your duties and improve your life.
Find out about respite care in Rotherham to give carers a break. Learn about the services, who can get them, and how to access temporary care.
Find support services for carers in Rotherham. Learn about resources, training, and advice to help you with your caregiving duties and well-being.
Improve your caregiving skills with training programs for carers in Rotherham. Find courses, workshops, and resources to help you develop and provide better care.
Discover mental health support, and crisis support services, in Rotherham.