Rotherham Enhanced Action for Dyslexia (READ) is an outreach provision within the Specialist Inclusion Team. We offer termly support packages, that schools can purchase, for pupils who have severe and persistent literacy difficulties. This is available for pupils from Year 3 to Year 10.
To make a referral, you will need to download and complete the Information in Support of READ Referral form and attach supporting documentation to evidence the pupil’s strengths, needs and support that has already taken place as part of school’s graduated response.
- Information in Support of READ referral - This form asks for basic information about the pupil, such as their name, date of birth, and school. It also asks for information about the pupil's attainment and progress and the views of the pupil, school, and parent/carer on the pupil's SEND and the support they need.
- Supporting Documentation - This is personal to each school’s SEND systems and should include any documentation school feel is relevant to the pupil. The aim of the supporting documentation is to demonstrate the amount of additional support the pupil currently accesses, what targets they are working on and the progress that has been made over recent terms of intervention, how they access the curriculum and the pupils independent writing skills and reading abilities.
Please note that the Information in Support of READ referral form must be completed before the referral can be processed.
Once you have completed the form, you can upload it, along with the supporting documentation, to the READ’s online referral form.
A READ referral panel takes place once a term and places are allocated for the following term. School will be contacted to confirm if a place is offered or not for the following term.
Make a referral to the Rotherham Enhanced Action for Dyslexia