FCC Environment together with Barnsley, Rotherham and Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Councils have developed a Community Chest Fund to support local community projects making environmental improvements surrounding Household Waste Recycling Centres within the Boroughs. A fund of £1,000 is available each year, within each Borough.
Who can apply?
The Community Chest Fund is available to any community, voluntary, or environmental group, charities, education group and not-for-profit organisation, which have a constitution and bank account with auditable accounts.
The Fund will be available to any environmental improvement project within each administrative area where the project involves improvements to waste reduction, recycling or re-use within their local community.
What type of project will be funded?
- Improvement to open spaces or public area which improve inclusive access for the local community and/or habitat for wildlife.
- Support local environmental communication and education campaigns.
- Equipment support for local clean-up projects.
- Support recycling and waste reduction initiatives.
How are funds applied for?
A paper application form can be downloaded from the following web addresses:
Visit the Doncaster Council website
Visit the Barnsley Council website
Alternatively paper copies are available at any of the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Household Waste Recycling Centres.
All applications must be returned via e-mail to gavin.foulstone@fccenvironment.co.uk
What are the application deadlines?
Applications must be made between 1st October and 31st December for funding of projects in the following year.
How will assessment of applications be undertaken?
All applications will be considered against the application criteria jointly by the FCC Contract Manager and the designated Council's Representative during January and all applicants, whether successful or otherwise, notified on 1st February.
Further information may be required from applicants.
Close attention will be paid to projects that will deliver the most benefit to the community they represent.
Not all applications will be successful.
What should I do if I have questions about my application?
If you have questions about your application please email them to gavin.foulstone@fccenvironment.co.uk
FCC Environment will either respond via email or if requested to do so call you back to discuss.
How will my project be monitored?
A monthly update will be required to be submitted, along with an end of project report outlining the successes and aims achieved.