Aughton and Swallownest ward

Ward plan

Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do.  Aughton and Swallownest Ward Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.

We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality.  Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:

Aughton and Swallownest Ward priorities

Priority 1: To develop and support initiatives that will improve heath and wellbeing and tackle poverty. In particular:

  • Develop and support activities for children and young people
  • Develop and support initiatives that address mental and physical health
  • Develop and support initiatives that address social isolation
  • Develop initiatives that support people to address the cost of living crisis

Priority 2: Develop and support initiatives around crime and community safety

  • Raise awareness and promote initiatives that address domestic abuse and exploitation
  • Speeding traffic and traffic management
  • Raise awareness and promote home, vehicle and personal safety

Priority 3: Develop and support initiatives that will improve the environment and the neighbourhood, including:

  • Reducing flytipping and littering
  • Encouraging people to take pride and ownership of public spaces, including reporting issues to relevant services

Priority 4: Supporting local communities to come together and celebrate local and cultural heritage.