Ward plan
Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do. Dalton and Thrybergh Ward Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.
We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality. Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:
Dalton and Thrybergh Ward priorities
Overarching Priority:
Ensure residents have the support they need in relation to the cost-of-living, particularly those most impacted or disproportionately affected.
The cost of living is a societal issue that continues to impact people and communities, particularly those who are most vulnerable, underserved and live in areas of high deprivation. It is a theme that is relational to all ward priorities. Ensuring people can access and are aware of support and services available to them to, working with and through agencies, partners and Council services will be central to ward plans and neighbourhood working.
Priority 1: Give young people and their families the support they need so they have the best start in life
Helping young people have the best start is important to ensuring they become happy, healthy and contributing members of society. Every young person has the right to equal opportunities and access to education, good health, and a safe environment to live. This priority focuses on identifying and improving opportunities for young people, including places, spaces and activities; tackling known disadvantages such as education and obesity; and ensuring families and caregivers have the right support at the point of need. Working with schools and providers will be essential to achieving this priority.
Priority 2: Tackle inequalities that lead to poorer health and quality of life; ensuring people can access services and support that will enable them to improve their health
The ward has a high level of deprivation and widening inequalities, leading to poorer health and quality of life. Tackling inequalities at a ward level, through targeted initiatives, multiagency approaches, and strength-based working, aims to improve outcomes for the local population. This priority will address wider determinants of health, such as housing, green spaces, exercise, work and social connectedness. Focusing on prevention, early intervention and self-help, to encourage people to act around their own health. Ensuring people can and have the opportunity to access the services and mechanisms of support they need is paramount to enablement and improving health.
Priority 3: Build safer neighbourhoods that are clean and celebrated, where people are empowered to control their own lives
Feeling safe was a primary concern and cited as what mattered most to residents living in the ward. Issues around crime and anti-social behaviour were both cross-cutting and localised to specific neighbourhoods and localities. Working with the community, partners and Council services to tackle issues, find shared solutions and encourage community action, will help to build safer, stronger neighbourhoods where residents enjoy living. Encouraging reporting and ensuring people feel empowered and have the knowledge, confidence and skills will contribute to achieving this priority. Continued recognition and celebrating the people, places and heritage that make the ward a great place to live is equally important.