Hellaby and Maltby West ward

Ward plan

Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do.  Hellaby and Maltby West Ward Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.

We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality. Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:

Hellaby and Maltby West Ward priorities


Priority 1: Protecting and improving the local environment

  • Improving local facilities including greenspaces and parks
  • Work with community, stakeholders and council departments to reduce dog fouling, fly-
    tipping and street litter in hotspot area. 
  • Support environmental education through events and projects for people of all ages.

Priority 2: Develop and support initiatives to increase community and individuals’ wellbeing

  • Support individuals and families with the cost of living.
  • Assisting community groups and partners deliver events and social groups.
  • Promoting community groups and social events to combat loneliness and isolation.
  • Facilitating and supporting employment opportunities within the area.
  • Support new and existing community groups to develop and thrive.
  • Encouraging inclusivity and community cohesion for all ages.

Priority 3: Identify and support initiatives that improve road safety and vehicle crime

  • Road Traffic Management schemes.
  • Speed watches and community engagement activities.

Priority 4: Celebrating Local and cultural heritage

  • Encouraging events and projects to share memories, local history and cultural heritage.