This statement sets out the Council's actions to understand and respond to risks relating to modern slavery. The statement has been drafted in broad acknowledgment of the wide-ranging role of the Council, from front line staff regulating business or visiting homes, through to our commissioning and procurement of works, goods or services and management of contracts.
Modern slavery can take many forms and present in many ways. Our approach to this issue is embedded within our safeguarding policy and practice and we will focus throughout the year on continuing to raise awareness through regular briefings and an increase in the number of appropriately trained staff. We will also continue to work with partners to increase the levels of intelligence and information sharing relating to modern slavery and the operational activity that results from such intelligence.
Finally, we will continue to strengthen our understanding of the risks relating to modern slavery within supply chains and continue to promote the issues with our contractors and suppliers.
This is the Council’s fifth transparency statement in relation to modern slavery and is relevant for 2024/25. An annual progress report will be published on our website, alongside a revised statement for the following year.