Housing Performance

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM)

The Government has introduced new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) which are designed to assess and monitor how well social landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.

The Council will:

  • Annually submit our performance against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM's) to the Regulator of Social Housing.
  • Annually publish our performance against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM's) on our website and in publications.

In total there are 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs):

  • 10 Landlord Measures – based on information we hold in our systems.
  • 12 Tenant Perception Measures – based on a tenant perception survey of a sample of our tenants.

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) relate to five areas:

  • Keeping homes in good repair: We want to know if your home is in good condition and if it is getting the repairs it needs.
  • Maintaining building safety: We want to know if your home is safe and if it meets all the safety standards.
  • Being respectful and helpful: We want to know if we are respectful and helpful when you need us.
  • Effective handling of complaints: We want to know if we are handling your complaints quickly and fairly.
  • Responsible neighbourhood management: We want to know if we are managing your neighbourhood well and if we are keeping it safe and clean.

How did we do in 2023/24?

Keeping homes in good repair

House icon

12% of our homes do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
"" 77.6% of tenants are satisfied their home is well maintained
"" 71.6% of tenants are satisfied communal areas are clean and well maintained

99% of emergency repairs completed in time

97% of non-emergency repairs completed in time

"" 74.1% of tenants are satisfied with the repairs service
"" 72.1% of tenants are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair

Maintaining building safety

Tick and shield icon

81.1% of tenants are satisfied their homes are safe

Flame icon

100% of fire safety assessments carried out

Gas icon

99.9% of gas safety checks have been completed

Warning icon

100% of asbestos checks have been completed

Water icon

100% of water safety checks have been completed

Lift icon

91.3% of lift safety checks have been completed

Being respectful and helpful

Five star review icon

76.9% of tenants are satisfied with the overall service we provide

Person and speech bubble icon

74% of tenants are satisfied we keep them informed about things that matter to them

Speech bubble icon

70.5% of tenants are satisfied we listen to their views and act upon them

Hand shake icon

83.6% of tenants agree we treat them fairly and with respect

Effective handling of complaints

Building blocks icon

36.2% of tenants are satisfied with our approach to complaints handling.

Building icon

26.9 stage 1 complaints received (per 1000 homes)

0.9 stage 2 complaints received (per 1000 homes)

Calendar icon

82.3% of stage 1 complaints handled within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales

55.5% of stage 2 complaints handled within the Housing Ombudsman’s timescales

Responsible neighbourhood management

Thumbs up icon

72.4% of tenants are satisfied we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods

Broken window icon

69.6 anti-social behaviour cases (per 1000 homes)

0.3 of anti-social behaviour cases involved Hate Crime (per 1000 homes)

64.9% of tenants are satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour

If you would like to read a summary of our Tenant Satisfaction Measure Survey for 2023/24, Please click the link below:

Summary of Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey 23/24

If you would like to view the questions that had been asked as part of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Perception Survery for 2023/24 please click the link below:

Tenant Satisfaction Measures Perception Survey 23/24

Get in touch with the Tenant engagement team

Please click on the link and use the form to get in touch, express your interest in our opportunities, comment on our performance, or to tell us about something happening in your area.