What you’ve told us and what we’re proposing
We’ve collected evidence from previous consultation surveys, correspondence, requests, and conversations out and about and these are the key issues your community has identified.
- Unsafe parking – You told us that cars parking on pavements, or on both sides of the road is an issue. This blocks the pavement and makes it difficult to safely and easily walk around the neighbourhood. It also makes it difficult to cross roads or pull out of junctions due to limited visibility.
- Cars driving too fast – We have received lots of requests for speed reduction and enforcement. Especially around schools and residential areas.
- Nonlocal traffic – We have received complaints about non-local traffic using residential roads as cut throughs causing unnecessary risk to residents.
What we’re proposing
To deliver the scheme we must meet the requirements set out in the funding to improve safe and accessible walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport access. This includes delivering some strategic routes to connect up our existing network, we’ll ask for your feedback on these to make sure they are fit for the area.
We have also protected £1.72 million to deliver solutions identified by the community in other parts of Moorgate and Broom. We don’t have any proposals for this yet, although based on data and evidence supplied by the police, we are aware of a few streets that may benefit from interventions to reduce speed of traffic. We want residents and local businesses - who know the area best - to help identity the best solutions.