Housing Service Performance

Current performance

The Housing Service collects a large range of statistics known as performance data. This allows us to measure how well we're doing in delivering different elements of the service. It also allows us to compare how well we're doing over a quarter or on a yearly basis.

Our current performance covers how we aim to keep your home safe and in good condition, neighbourhoods clean and safe, manage our properties effectively, be a respectful, helpful landlord when you need us, and manage complaints quickly and fairly.

View our current performance below or download the information.

All measures marked with an asterisk (*) are calculated by the annual tenant perception survey.

Keeping your home in good repair

Criteria Target


Year end


Quarter 1



Target Met Trend Comments
Percentage of homes not meeting
the Decent Homes Standard (Lower is better)
0% 12% 7.1% 6.2% Sad face representing not being on target

Up arrow representing a positive trend

Not on Target.

Better than last quarter

Percentage of tenants satisfied
their home is well maintained*
No target 77.6% Measured twice per year 78.4% N/A

Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of tenants satisfied communal
areas are clean and well maintained*
No target 71.6% Measured twice per year 68.8% N/A Down arrow representing a negative trend


Worse than 2023/24.

Percentage of emergency repairs completed in time 97% 99.1% 99.7% 99.4%

Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

On Target.

Worse than last quarter

Percentage of non-emergency repairs completed in time 94% 97.0% 95.4% 96.2% Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Up arrow representing a positive trend

On Target.

Better than last quarter.

Percentage of tenants satisfied with the repairs service* No target 74.1% Measured twice per year 79.0% N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Tenants are satisfied with the time taken
to complete their most recent repair*

No target

72.1% Measured twice per year 77.4%


Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of Council housing repairs completed
"Right First Time"
87% 93.5% 95.1% 94.7% Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

On Target.

Worse than last quarter.

Maintaining building safety

Criteria Target


Year end


Quarter 1



Trend Comment
Percentage of tenants are satisfied
their homes are safe*
No target 81.1% Measured twice per year 81.5% N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend



Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of fire safety assessments carried out 100% 100% 100% 98.4% Sad face representing not being on target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

Off target.

Worse than last quarter.

Percentage of gas safety checks have been completed 100% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%

Yellow face indicating no change from previous performance update

Sideways arrow representing no change in performance from previous year

Slightly off target.

Same as last quarter.

Percentage of asbestos checks have been completed 100% 100% 100% 100% Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Sideways arrow representing no change in performance from previous year

On Target

Same as last quarter

Percentage of water safety checks have been completed 100% 100% 100% 100% Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Sideways arrow representing no change in performance from previous year

On Target

Same as last quarter

Percentage of lift safety checks have been completed 100% 91.3% 93.7% 85.1% Sad face representing not being on target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

Off target.

Worse than last quarter.

Housing Management

Criteria Target


Year end


Quarter 1



Trend Comment
Number of properties we let No target New for 2024/25 270 295 N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend


The average time it takes to relet homes
(Lower is better)
42 days 32.1 days 30.9 days 32.7 days Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

On target.

Worse than last quarter

The number of households in temporary accommodation
(Lower is better)
130 170 173 161 Sad face representing not being on target

Down arrow representing a negative trend

Off target.

Better than last quarter.

The average time tenants are waiting for major adaptations 8 weeks 4.2 weeks 4.3 weeks 4 weeks Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target Up arrow representing a positive trend

On target.

Better than last quarter

Being respectful and helpful

Criteria Target


Year end


Quarter 1



Trend Comment
Percentage of tenants satisfied with the overall
service we provide*
No target 76.9% Measured twice per year 78.4% N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of tenants satisfied we keep them
informed about things that matter to them*
No target 74% Measured twice per year 76.6% N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of tenants satisfied we listen
to their views and act upon them*
No target 70.5% Measured twice per year 73.3% N/A Up arrow representing a positive trend


Better than 2023/24.

Percentage of tenants agree we treat them
fairly and with respect*
No target 83.6% Measured twice per year 83.0% N/A Down arrow representing a negative trend


Worse than 2023/24.

Effective handling of complaints

Criteria Target


Year end


Quarter 1



Trend Comment
Percentage of tenants satisfied with our
approach to complaints handling*
No target 36.2% Measured twice per year 34.4% N/A Down arrow representing a negative trend


Worse than 2023/24.

Number of stage 1 complaints received in the
last 12 months (per 1,000 homes)
No target 26.9 Annual Measure Annual measure N/A N/A


New annual measure

Number of stage 2 complaints received in the
last 12 months (per 1,000 homes)
No target 0.9 Annual Measure Annual measure N/A N/A


New annual measure

Percentage of stage 1 complaints received, relating to
landlord services, which were handled within of 10 working days
85% 82.3% 74.6% 77.6% Sad face representing not being on target

Up arrow representing a positive trend

Off target.

Better than last quarter.

Percentage of stage 2 complaints received, relating
to landlord services, which were handled within of 20 working days
85% 55.5% No stage 2 complaints received 0%* Sad face representing not being on target Down arrow representing a negative trend

Off target.

There were no Stage 2 complaints received last quarter.

** 2 complaints received in quarter 2

Responsible neighbourhood management

Criteria Target 2023/24
Year end
Quarter 1
Target Met Trend Comment
Percentage of tenants satisfied we make a
positive contribution to neighbourhoods*
No target 72.4% Measured twice per year 72.4% N/A Sideways arrow representing no change in performance from previous year


Same as 2023/24.

Number of anti-social behaviour cases
(per 1,000 homes)
No target 69.6 Annual Measure N/A N/A N/A


New annual measure.

Number of anti-social behaviour cases involving Hate Crime
(per 1,000 homes)
No target 0.3 Annual Measure N/A N/A N/A


New annual measure.

Top 3 reasons anti-social behaviour cases were opened  
  1. Noise
  2. Verbal Harrassment/Threats
  3. Garden Nuisance
Percentage of tenants satisfied with our approach
to handling anti-social behaviour*
No target 64.9% Measured twice per year 62.3% N/A Down arrow representing a negative trend


Worse than 2023/24.

Number of fly-tipping enforcement actions
issued within the Borough
60 21 16 17 Green happy face indicating meeting or exceeding the target Up arrow representing a positive trend

On target.

Better than last quarter.

Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections
(Borough wide, all household tenures, businesses, and bin types)

80 63.3 91.1 98.9 Sad face representing not being on target Down arrow representing a negative trend

Off target.

Worse than last quarter.