Major Works
Major works, sometimes referred to as major repairs, normally means any work carried out on your block which will cost more than £250 per property. For example, if there are 10 properties in a particular block then the total cost of the work would need to exceed £2,500.
Following this initial consultation, formal tenders will then be sought from contractors, including any nominated by you, to carry out the work. However, if the works will be undertaken by one of our long-term contract partners, a Schedule 3 Notice will be issued, for which there is no requirement for the landlord to obtain further quotes or for the leaseholder to nominate their own.
Once tenders have been received the estimates will be reviewed and those which are considered to provide the best value, taking into account cost and quality, will be included within a formal ‘Section 20 Notice’ for the work. The notice includes:
- A general description of the work
- At least two cost estimates from different contractors (if applicable)
Once you have received the notice you have 30 days to submit any observations you may have in respect of the proposed work or the costs and the notice will tell you were to write to with your observations.
The Council will then consider all observations submitted before proceeding.