About Rotherham Council

View of front of Riverside House

Rotherham Council is a metropolitan borough council and is responsible for providing a range of services including social care, planning, housing, revenue and benefits support, licensing, business regulation and enforcement, electoral registration, refuse and recycling, leisure, culture, parks and green spaces, economic growth, highways maintenance, education and skills, community safety and public health.

It also has an important role in working with other providers of public services across Rotherham for approximately 260,000 residents and 100,000 people who work in Rotherham (37,000 from outside the borough).

We employ over 4,000 people to provide essential services to our 260,000 residents.

You could become part of a team that makes a difference - take a look our current vacancies.

Our Vision

If you work for the Council, you’ll be contributing to our vision:

“Rotherham is our home, where we come together as a community, where we seek to draw on our proud history to build a future we can all share. We value decency and dignity and seek to build a town where opportunity is extended to everyone, where people can grow, flourish and prosper, and where no one is left behind.

To achieve this as a council we must work in a modern, efficient way, to deliver sustainable services in partnership with our local neighbourhoods, looking outwards, yet focussed relentlessly on the needs of our residents.”

Our Priorities

As a Council, we are all committed to delivering our vision, through the following themes:

  • Every neighbourhood thriving
  • People are safe, healthy and live well
  • Every child able to fulfil their potential
  • Expanding economic opportunity
  • A cleaner, greener local environment. 

These five themes are underpinned by a cross-cutting strand – ‘One Council’ – which sets out how the Council will operate to achieve the vision.

Our values

Our values are embedded in everything that we do. They demonstrate how we treat each other.


  • We are inclusive and know our communities
  • We take time to listen and understand what matters
  • We act as ‘One Council’ with a spirit of togetherness


  • We are accountable and take ownership of our actions
  • We communicate clearly and openly
  • We reflect and learn from our experiences


  • We are ambitious in everything we do for our people and place
  • We start with strengths, and what is working well
  • We celebrate Rotherham and act as ambassadors for the borough

You can read more about our vision, priorities and values in our Council Plan.

Working for us means working towards our shared vision. Delivering excellence every day can help make our vision and priorities a reality. In doing so, you’ll be supported to achieve your potential in a friendly, welcoming and encouraging environment.

If you’d like to be part of this, take a look at our job vacancies.

The Council Consitution

The Council’s constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure that this is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

View the Council Consistution


The Council has 59 councillors, representing 25 wards inside the Rotherham Borough geographical boundary. The Council is currently led by a Labour Cabinet of eight Members.

View Councillors

Council Committees

There are a number of committees and panels which are responsible for decision making within the organisation, including Council, Cabinet, Audit Committee, Standards and Ethics Committee and Scrutiny.

View Committees

Day to Day Management

The day-to-day management of the Council and its services is overseen by the Strategic Leadership Team and led by the Chief Executive.