Complain about Council Services

Making a complaint if you are a looked after child or care leaver

If you are, or have ever been, looked after by the Council, you can make a complaint if you are unhappy with the support or care you have received.

You can also tell us anything good about the service you received. We also welcome any ideas which you may have about how we can do things better or do things in a different way.

If you are unhappy about something you may find it helpful to talk to someone you trust first. This could be your:

  • parents
  • carer
  • key worker
  • social worker
  • designated teacher or
  • an advocate

They might be able to help and sort the problem out.

If you feel that there is still a problem then you can contact the Complaints Team.

If you need help or support in making your complaint, you can talk to us. You can also contact Right 2 Rights at the same address or telephone: 01709 823764

Make a complaint