Digital Strategy

Our Digital Priorities

The strategy focuses on four themes:

  • Digital Collaboration
  • Digital Customer Services
  • Digital Borough
  • Digital Workforce

Digital Collaboration

We aim to work with partners to:

  • Prioritise people in how we design services and allow you to be self-reliant.
  • Reduce costs and share resources.
  • Provide joined up services and share expertise.

Some of our initiatives include:

  • Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Digital Strategy: we’ll make sure everyone can get the right care and support they need.
  • Better IT infrastructure: we’ll make sure our staff can work across all of our systems.
  • Better networks: we’ll make sure there’s better access for our health and care services.
  • Developing the Rotherham Health Record: we’ll help ensure professionals have access they need to important data.
  • Joined-up data for better services: we’ll combine different types of data to improve services and support.
  • Digital inclusion for everyone: we’ll work with partners to help everyone who wants to, to gain the advantages of being online.

We’ll work between Health and Social Care to improve our services. We’ll also use technology to do this, which includes:

  • Assistive Technology: this will support self-care in the home.
  • Speech enabled devices: this will help provide reminders and service information. They can also be used to develop ‘smart controls’ around the home. For example, Alexa and Google Assistant can control lights, temperature and appliances.
  • Virtual support: online systems, networks and care circles will help tackle loneliness and increase how many people we’re able to support.
  • Digital solutions to involve children in their assessment, reviews and case conferences: we will make sure we hear their wishes and feelings.

Digital Customer Services

To enable you to get the services and the information you need online, we will do this through:

  • More services online: we'll make it easier to find and complete transactions online, with "Your Account" as your central hub.
  • Self-service: we'll help you to be self-reliant with our online self-service options.
  • Voice enabled services: we'll use voice assistants to direct your calls.
  • Artificial Intelligence and automation: We'll explore using AI to handle common questions and improve response times.
  • Extra help available: we'll offer support for those who need help using our online services, like web chat.
  • Real-time updates: we'll use social media and other channels to provide real-time updates and alerts.
  • Mobile-friendly: we'll optimise our services for mobile devices and use location to provide you easier access to what you need.
  • Data-driven improvements: we'll use customer data to improve services and inform future development.

Digital Borough

We aim to help people and businesses with digital skills and technology so you can make the most of digital opportunities. But we will not leave behind those who are unable or choose not to make the change.

We will do this through:

  • Digital champion council: we'll lead the way in promoting digital adoption across Rotherham.
  • Digital skills for all: we'll work with partners to offer programs that help residents with their skills and confidence.
  • Better broadband and Wi-Fi: we'll encourage investment in faster internet infrastructure for Rotherham.
  • Digital support for businesses: we'll help small and medium enterprises access funding and training.
  • Technology opportunities: we'll look at how new and smarter technology can benefit residents and businesses, such as 5G.
  • Working together on initiatives: we'll work with others to secure funding for digital initiatives.

Digital Workforce

Staff need the digital tools and skills required to deliver services effectively. We will do this through:

  • Modern tech for staff: we'll provide our staff with up-to-date technology similar to what's used in successful businesses.
  • Regular device upgrades: we'll ensure staff have reliable devices by replacing them every three years.
  • New technologies and online solutions: we'll explore new technologies to improve services.
  • Less paper, more digital: we'll continue reducing paper usage and embrace digital processes.
  • Support the Public Sector Network: we'll work with other public bodies through shared and secure networks.
  • Collaboration tools: we'll use Microsoft 365 and other technology to improve how staff work.
  • Exploring the ‘Internet of Things’: we'll investigate how IoT can benefit public services in Rotherham.
  • Reliable IT systems: we'll maintain robust systems to ensure we can provide services in the case of failures.
  • New staff intranet: we'll develop an intranet for better communication and engagement.
  • Digital skills for staff: we'll ensure council staff have the digital skills they need for their roles.
  • Data-driven decision making: we'll make better use of customer data to improve services.
  • Enhanced cyber security: we'll strengthen cyber security and staff awareness.