Rotherham Map
You can access the Rotherham map here. To use the features on the map, navigate to the top left of the page and select 'What you you like to do?' and then 'Map Features'.
The features included in the map of Rotherham
Air Quality Management Area
- Air quality management areas
- Permanent monitoring stations 2018
- Permanent monitoring stations 2019
- Housing recycle
- Recycle centres
- Cycle lanes
- Cycle shop
- Path to walk your bike
Children's Services
- Central social care boundary
- Childrens centre
- Community centres
- Joint service centres
- Office buildings
- Other accommodation
- North social care boundary
- South social care boundary
- Social care
- Youth centres
- Primary schools
- Primary catchment
- Secondary schools
- Secondary catchment
Land and Property Ownership
- Appropriations
- Right of way from Council
- Right of way to Council
- Tenancies granted by RMBC
- Tenancies granted to RMBC
- Deed of dedication
- Unknown acquisition
- Freehold reversion acqusition
- Freehold acquisition
- Freehold reversion disposal
- Freehold disposal
- Unknown disposal
Planning Data
- Brownfield Register
- Building control
- Planning conservation
- Planning listed buildings
- Planning applications
- Planning enforcements
- Planning undetermined
- Potential housing land
- Common land
- Area assemblies
- Parishes
- Parliament constituency
- Polling districts
- Polling stations
- Wards
Public Rights of Way
- Public rights of way
- Definitive map boundaries
Winter Maintenance
- Salt bins
- Salting routes