Dearne Valley Day Nursery - Childminders and childcare providers
Dearne Valley Day Nursery
01709 871100
S63 7ER
Service description
Dearne Valley Day Nursery is one of 14 nurseries owned by For Under Fives. With 120 places we serve the local area for both, private paying children and funded children. We open from 7:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, closing for bank holidays. We have a separate room for babies under 1, a second room for babies 1 year to 20 months/2 years, 2 toddler rooms, (2-3 years) and 2 preschool rooms, (3-5 years). All rooms have direct access to separate large outside gardens, which offer a range of climbing equipment and other resources to support children’s development. We are an inclusive setting, the nursery vision promoted by the team is that each child is unique with individual needs and we are committed to ensuring each child reaches their full potential.
We have a nursery curriculum which is taught alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage and details our aims for all children by the time they leave us. The curriculum includes visits to the neighbouring Farm, caring for our nursery rabbit and taking part in adventurous play. In addition to this we aim to teach children to speak positively about themselves and others. We also offer a sensory room, dance classes and yoga.
Inclusion Information
Our nursery has a commitment to including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities including medical and dietary requirements.
We work in partnership with outside agencies that support with your child to guarantee a multi-agency approach when meeting your child’s identified individual needs.
All staff within our nursery has accessed training around areas relating to Special Educational Needs and disability with a commitment to keeping this updated.
Please contact the setting directly where we will welcome any queries or questions regarding our provision