Here at Granby Nurseries - Wickersley, we offer a high quality environment coupled with the very best childcare available. Our staff are carefully selected. All staff hold an NVQ3 in Childcare & Education and are trained in First Aid, Safeguarding and Food Hygiene. The Manager holds a BA Honours in Early Years Education with Early Years Professional Status. All staff are dedicated to the holistic care and education of each child, working closely to the settings policies/procedures and Government Guidelines. Staff are sensitive to the needs of the children, whilst working in Partnership with parents/carers.
Inclusion Information
Our nursery has a commitment to including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities including medical and dietary requirements.We work in partnership with outside agencies that support with your child to guarantee a multi-agency approach when meeting your child’s identified individual needs.
All staff within our nursery has accessed training around areas relating to Special Educational Needs and disability with a commitment to keeping this updated.
Please contact the setting directly where we will welcome any queries or questions regarding our provision