Grange Kindergarten/Rising 5's - Childminders and childcare providers
Grange Kindergarten/Rising 5's
01709 532658
S60 3NW
Service description
Grange Kindergarten is a pre-school and nursery catering for children from the local community, age 2 to rising 5. We work closely with Early Years and Support Teachers. All staff have childcare qualifications and are always working towards further training, this includes First Aid and Child Protection. Grange Kindergarten has an open door policy for parent’s involvement at any time. The children also work towards their desirable learning goals. We are now registered to provide full day care/sessional plus lunch club.
Inclusion Information
Our setting has a commitment to including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities including medical and dietary requirements.
We work in partnership with outside agencies that support with your child to guarantee a multi-agency approach when meeting your child’s identified individual needs. All staff within our setting have accessed training around areas relating to Special Educational Needs and disability with a commitment to keeping this updated.
Please contact the setting directly where we will welcome any queries or questions regarding our provision