- Service name
- Blenheim Court 2
- Service type
- Accommodation based
- Accommodation type
- Sheltered housing
- Service active from
- 01-Apr-07
- Service ID number
- 540
- Client group
- Older people
- Service description
- One bedroom flats, resident management staff and community alarm service. Lift, lounge, laundry, guest facilities, garden. Access to site easy. Weekly social activities include coffee mornings, bingo, social events, outings or trips, organised by residents' social club. Blenheim Court has a good social network run by tenants with support from court manager. Residents on the scheme can be as involved or as private as they wish.
- Age range
- Over 55
- Referral routes accepted
- All referral routes including self referral
- Is there a cost
- Yes
- Expected duration
- Permanent
- People not supported
- No specific exclusions, decided on case by case basis
- Service capacity
- 25
- Provider name
- Housing & Care 21
- Provider address
- Tricorn House, 51–53 Hagley Road, Birmingham, B16 8TP
- Telephone number
- Website