Support for adults and young people

Local support

Rotherham has a range of domestic abuse services that offer support for women, children, young people, and men who are experiencing domestic abuse. We offer:

  • one to one support
  • support groups 
  • advice on staying safe at home
  • access to safe places and refuges
  • inancial advice
  • legal advice
  • housing advice
  • advice about supporting children


Hopian (Formerly Rotherham Rise) supports adults, young people and children affected by Domestic Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham.

Contact Hopian on their confidential Advice Line: 0330 2020571

Visit the Hopian website

Support for children and young people

The Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership and its Safeguarding Partners are continuing to ensure that children and young people are safeguarded and protected across Rotherham.

Read information about child protection

Report a concern about a child or young person

Further information and guidance on how to report a concern about a child or young person in Rotherham.