Recorded training courses
Links to recorded training courses are provided below, alongside an overview of each course's content. Videos are hosted externally and will open a new browser window.
Child Development
This course gives an overview of early childhood development and is designed to help practitioners build and strengthen their knowledge, understanding and skills when working with children at all stages of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The course provides ideas and practical strategies to support children to progress well in the three Prime Areas of Learning.
Watch the Child Development video
Progress in Provision
This course supports your understanding of the role of high quality continuous provision and how it scaffolds children’s learning. It looks at how continuous provision changes as children journey through the EYFS with an emphasis on challenge and the progression of skills.
Watch the Progress in Provision video
Pockets of Wonder
This course focuses on how important the quality of continuous provision is on being the ‘third educator’. It looks at different provision areas and identifies how we can maximise the potential for learning both indoors and out. The course also focuses on the adults role in continuous provision looking at when and how to engage effectively to extend children’s knowledge, skills and understanding.
Watch the Pockets of Wonder video
Planning for Schemas
This short course looks at what the term ‘Schema’ means and supports us to identify the different types of schema that children may be exploring. It also looks at the types of resources we can offer to encourage and support children’s explorations.
Watch the Planning for Schemas video
A Focus on Curriculum
This course explores the range of support documents available that will help shape your curriculum offer and looks at key considerations for developing your curriculum. The course addresses the important roles effective teaching, pedagogy, planning and assessment have in guiding your curriculum ensuring your decisions meet the needs of all children attending.
Watch a Focus on Curriculum video
Little Engineers
This course focuses on deepening our understanding of STEM in the Early Years. It explores key aspects of provision that promote STEM including loose parts play and block play and considers the resources and spaces we provide and how these can inspire and spark children’s natural curiosity and imagination.
Watch the Little Engineers video
Loving Literacy in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
This course looks at the foundations of literacy in the EYFS breaking this down into its key components of reading, word reading and writing and looking at the progression of these vital skills. It explores the opportunities we can offer to help foster a love for literacy with a particular emphasis on engaging boys.
Watch the Loving Literacy in the EYFS video
Effective Parental Partnerships in the Early Years
This course helps develop our understanding of the benefits of establishing effective parental partnerships in the EYFS focusing on the positive impact this can have on children’s learning and development. It provides a range of practical ideas and proven strategies to improve and develop parental engagement.
Watch the Effective Parental Partnership in the Early Years video
Nurturing Through Nature
This course explores the key benefits of being outdoors and learning through the natural world focusing on the positive impact it can have on children’s PSED and behaviour. It acknowledges the many barriers and challenges that providers can face when developing their outdoor offer and provides ideas and suggestions to help overcome these.
Watch the Nurturing Through Nature video
Making Maths Matter – Number
This course helps develop our understanding of children’s early number development, identifying and addressing early misconceptions in number. It supports us to understand mathematical terminology and the importance of introducing key concepts in the early years that provide the foundations for later learning. It also offers simple and practical ideas and strategies which support early number development.
Watch the Making Maths Matter - Number video
Making Maths Matter - Shape, Space, Measure and Pattern
This course aims to raise awareness of the vital role learning in Shape, Space, Measure and Pattern has on children’s development and supports us to consider the impact learning in these areas can have on later educational achievements. The course will provide you with a range of practical ideas to support children’s learning in Shape, Space, Measure and Pattern and provides insight into how learning develops over time in these four key areas.
Watch the Making Maths Matter - Shape, Space, Measure and Pattern video
Pathway to Phonics
This course looks at the journey children take as they develop phonological awareness, identifying the key skills children need to acquire prior to embarking on systematic phonics instruction when they enter full time school. The course looks at the progression of phonological awareness and provides a range of ideas and activities to support your delivery of these vital literacy skills from birth.
Watch the Pathway to Phonics video
Tiny Talkers Phonological Awareness Pathway Tutorial
Linking to the Pathway to Phonics course, we have developed a new FREE resource to support you to deliver high quality practice around developing phonological awareness skills from birth. The resource is called the Phonological Awareness Pathway (PAP) and is a comprehensive resource which guides you through teaching the full range of phonological awareness skills and includes a guide for parents, a screening tool, and a group tracker. To find out more information including how to gain access to the resource, please watch this short tutorial.
Watch the Tiny Talkers Phonological Awareness Pathway Tutorial
Little Steps for Learners - Session 1
This course focuses on supporting younger EYFS children, looking at brain development, attachment, schemas, the learning environment, and the vital role of the Key Person. It looks at the importance of developing children’s communication and language skills and how our routines facilitate young children’s emerging independence.
Watch the Little Steps for Learners - Session 1 video
Little Performers
This course focuses mainly on the Communication and Language, Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design areas of learning in the EYFS. It explores the importance of the arts for our youngest children and provides a range of practical ideas to encourage creative play across a range of media.
Watch the Little Performers video
Little Scientists
This course explores what ‘science’ and ‘scientific enquiry’ look like in the early years and helps us to ascertain how and where ‘science’ sits within the EYFS Framework. It explores a broad range of science based learning opportunities in both the indoor and outdoor environments and will develop your awareness of teaching strategies that encourage enquiry, curiosity, experimentation, reasoning and exploration.