Results for the Parliamentary General Election: Thursday 4 July 2024

Rotherham constituency

Candidate Description Number of Votes Elected
Candidate: Ishtiaq AHMAD Description: Independent Number of Votes: 547 Elected:  
Candidate: David Michael ATKINSON Description: Yorkshire Party Number of Votes: 1,363 Elected:  
Candidate: Adam Jonathon CARTER Description: Liberal Democrats - For a fair deal Number of Votes: 2,824 Elected:  
Candidate: Sarah Deborah CHAMPION
Commonly known as Sarah Champion
Description: Labour Party Number of Votes: 16,671 Elected: Elected
Candidate: John Paul CRONLY Description: Reform UK Number of Votes: 11,181 Elected:  
Candidate: Taukir IQBAL Description: Workers Party of Britain - For Gaza Number of Votes: 1,714 Elected:  
Candidate: Antony Paul MABBOTT
Commonly known as Tony Mabbott
Description: Green Party Number of Votes: 2,632 Elected:  
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: Number of ballot papers
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:: A want of an official mark Number of ballot papers: 0
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:: B voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to Number of ballot papers: 49
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:: C writing or mark by which voter could be identified Number of ballot papers: 3
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:: D being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty Number of ballot papers: 312
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:: Total Number of ballot papers: 364

Sarah Deborah Champion was duly elected as Member of Parliament for Rotherham

Ballot papers issued:37,296
