Standing for election to the Borough Council
To be able to stand as a candidate, on the day of nomination and on the day of election you must be:
- Aged 18 years or over
- Be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, a qualifying EU citizen or an EU citizen with retained rights
In addition, you must meet at least one of the following qualifications:
- On the day of nomination and the day of the election you are and thereafter you continue to be registered as a voter in the Borough
- For the whole of twelve months before the day of nomination and the day of the election you have occupied any land or other premises as owner or tenant in the Borough
- For the whole of twelve months before the day of nomination and the day of the election your principal or only place of work has been in the Borough
- For the whole of twelve months before the day of nomination and the day of the election you have resided in the Borough
There are disqualifications, and these are briefly summarised here. You will be unable to be elected and to serve as a councillor if:
- You are a paid employee of Rotherham MBC
- You are subject to a bankruptcy restrictions order
- You have within five years before the day of the election been sentenced to a term of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) of not less than three months without the option of a fine
- The Local Government Disqualification Act 2022 comes into effect on 28 June 2022. The Act disqualifies individuals subject to certain sexual offence legal orders from standing for election or holding office in local authorities. We have updated Part 1 of our guidance for Candidates and Agents to reflect this.
If you are interested in standing as a candidate or acting as an Election Agent for a candidate, it is recommended you read The Electoral Commission guidance for Candidates and Agents at local government elections.