Community Energy Rotherham

Help and support

There are a variety of services that provide additional support for a range of energy related queries, including charities and energy companies.

All information and services below operate separate to Rotherham Council, therefore we cannot give assurances regarding the support they provide.

Citizens advice

Citizen’s advice Rotherham is a charity that works within Rotherham to provide a variety of services from telephone appointments to drop in services.

Read about Citizens advice Rotherham services

Age UK Rotherham

Age UK Rotherham provide a variety of information for elderly, their families and carers on a range of issues including energy, money and benefits related issues.

Read about how Age UK Rotherham can help


Rotherfed are a national lottery and Rotherham Council funded charity that provides community support during difficult situations.

They offer in person drop in events for people to ask questions regarding energy payments and help those worrying about fuel bills, as well as switching energy providers and reducing energy usage.

Read about how Rotherfed can help

Priority service register

Check if you are eligible to be placed on the priority service register and how to contact your energy supplier  

Warm welcome spaces

Warm welcome Spaces is a national operation that works within Rotherham supported by Rotherham Council. It provides opportunities for people to come together and socialise within a warm comfortable environment.

Some of the main spaces for Warm Welcome Spaces are in Rotherham Council libraries and Clifton Park Museum, allowing you to keep warm while learning. 

View the full list of Warm Spaces


MoneyHelper provides support for people struggling with the cost of living crisis and general financial issues.

Read about MoneyHelper can help with the cost of living

Yorkshire water

Yorkshire water offer a variety of schemes to help you pay your bills and get you out of arrears. Find out about the range of available schemes through the link below.

Read how Yorkshire Water can help with paying your bill 

Energy saving trust

Read about saving water at home 

Live Inclusive

Live inclusive is a charity that works within Rotherham and Doncaster supporting those living with a disability and long-term health conditions.

They support people with disabilities with a range of advice and support including energy support, with the aim to help people to continue to live independently.

Read about how Live Inclusive can help

Green Doctor

 Green Doctor is a service that runs throughout the UK, supporting people for a range of energy related problems and concerns such as: 

  • struggling to pay energy bills
  • finding it hard to manage fuel debt
  • worrying about keeping warm or choosing between eating and heating
  • feeling that the home is cold, damp or draughty
  • respiratory problems such as asthma or a persistent cough

Read about how Green Doctor can help

Register for your free Green Doctor home visit - Groundwork 

Contact the community energy team