Single use plastics

What you can do to reduce single use plastics

At home

  • Only buy what you need.
  • Shop local and buy produce without packaging where possible.
  • Reduce the use of cling film by using a plate on top of a bowl or a Tupperware lid instead.
  • If you can, consider using a refill store for groceries, hygiene products and more.
  • The more a product is reused, the lower its environmental impact so keeping products in use for longer can make a big difference.
  • Use your re-useable drinks bottles, lunch boxes and crockery when on the go – many coffee shops offer incentives for re-using.
  • Remember to take your bag for life out shopping with you.
  • Download the Refill app to find cafes which offer water and coffee refills on the go. There are even some shops locally which offer groceries and toiletries without the packaging. Find out more.
  • Recycle what you can no longer use – check what goes in each bin here.
  • Bread bags and other similar packaging at the end of their life can also be recycled at supermarkets. Look out for the ‘Recycle at supermarkets’ green logo on many bags.

As a business

It is a legal requirement to manage your business waste according to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Waste Hierarchy.

Conducting a single use plastics audit of your business can help understand what single use plastics you are using, reduce and manage these.

  1. Identify all the items which your business is using. 

  2. Can the single use plastics be removed or reduced? Are there opportunities to replace them with reusable items?

  3. If this isn’t possible, are recycled plastic versions available? Are we recycling the single use plastics when we’ve finished with them?

  4. Once you’ve actioned as much as you can, review your single use plastic use regularly. You can use this review to check for new plastic-free alternatives and ensure your business is on-track with reducing single use plastics.

  5. Shout about it – more and more customers want to see that the business they’re buying from is green.

There are lots of ideas and information for businesses on how to reduce plastics packaging on the UK Plastics Pact website.

If you’re a hospitality business consider joining the Refill scheme to show customers that they’re welcome to come in and refill their water bottle or reusable coffee cup.

Signal your commitment to reducing single use plastic waste by signing the Rotherham Together Partnership Climate and Nature Charter.