Homelessness: How the Council can help

Step 2 - Completing an assessment and creating a personal housing plan

The team will complete a homelessness assessment with you to get to know your situation, along with a Personal Housing Plan which is a set of actions tailored to meet your individual needs that you and the Council both need to take to resolve your housing situation. You will need to keep us updated on how you are getting on with your Personal Housing Plan actions.

What documents do I need to provide?

You will need to provide:

  • Proof of identity and immigration status
  • Proof of income
  • Proof of why you need to leave your home
  • Details of any medical conditions

What are the different homeless duties?

  • Prevention duty - If you are threatened with homelessness within 56 days, we will take reasonable steps to help you to secure or keep your accommodation. Reasonable steps could include mediation, assistance in applying to go onto the housing register or securing private rented accommodation
  • Relief duty - If you are already homeless, then we have a duty to help you secure accommodation that will last at least six months. The relief duty is time limited to 56 days.
  • Main duty - If we have been unable to assist you to secure accommodation whilst you are in relief duty, and you are in priority need, eligible for assistance and you are not intentionally homeless, then we will work with you to secure accommodation that will last at least six months. This duty is not time limited.

Contact the Homeless team

If you need any further advice or assistance please get in touch. Phone: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Out of Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm or during the weekend and bank holidays

Telephone: 01709 336009