Homelessness: Family or friends unable to let you stay

16-17 year olds

People under 18 should be living in a secure and healthy environment until they are able to make a planned move. It may not be appropriate for you to stay in your home, if this is the case, you need to contact us as soon as possible. Some reasons why you are not able to stay in your home are:

  • Your family has asked you to leave
  • You may not have been asked to leave, but it is not possible for you to stay due to other problems

When you approach us, we will need to complete a joint assessment with you and a social worker. This is a legal requirement to ensure that we are meeting your assessed needs.

Depending on the circumstances, we may work with you and your family so that you can return home.

You can join the housing register if you are 16/17, however, you would not be able to sign for a tenancy until you are 18 unless you have a guarantor.

There are a number of organisations that can assist you if you are thinking of leaving home or want advice on your home situation, some of these are listed below:

Contact the Homeless team

If you need any further advice or assistance please get in touch. Phone: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Out of Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm or during the weekend and bank holidays

Telephone: 01709 336009