What Is Bullying?
Bullying can mean many different things, some ways of bullying are:
- Being pushed or pulled about
- Being called names
- Being teased
- Being hit or attacked
- Having your bag or others things taken away from you
- Having rumours spread about you
- Being ignored and left out
- Being sent nasty text messages
Where bullying might happen:
- at school – in the yard, in class, in the toilets
- on the way to and from school
- on the bus
- at the youth centre
- at work
- on the internet
- through mobile phones
Why Bullies do it:
- They may have their own problems - they may feel upset or angry, perhaps they don’t fit in or maybe they are having problems at home.
- Maybe they get bullied themselves, perhaps by someone in their family or somewhere out of school.
- They are scared of getting picked on so they do it first.
- Many don’t like themselves and so take it out on others
- They want to seem tough and show off.
Bullies figure out which buttons to press and how they can upset you, this might be:
- your weight or your looks
- the colour of your hair
- your family
- your school work
- if you are popular
- If you work hard
- If you have a disability
- if you are a different religion
- if you wear glasses or a hearing aid
- if you have dyslexia
- if you have been off school because you are ill
If you are being bullied:
- Try to stay calm and look as confident as you can
- Walk away from the situation as soon as you can
- Tell an adult what has happened, it could be a teacher, a mentor, a youth worker or a family member
- If you are scared of telling an adult on your own ask a friend to go with you
- If you feel like you are not being listened to keep saying it until you are heard
- Keep a diary of what the bullies are doing and saying, when and where they are doing it
- If you have a mobile phone be careful who you give your number to. It is a criminal offence to send threatening and offensive phone messages and if it continues it can amount to harassment. The police can and do take action
- If you are bullied on the way home, vary the ways you walk home, try to leave school a little earlier or later. If you catch the bus try to sit near the driver or other adults. walk with other people even if they are a little older or younger than you
- Think of comments to say back to the bullies, something sharp and quick, even something simple like ‘yeah whatever’ might show the bullies that they are not bothering you
Further Help and Support
Childline - Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, talk to a counsellor online.
Samaritans - Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.
Bullying UK - Bullying advice, bullying at school, cyberbullying, and how you can deal with it.
Kidscape - Bullying advice, helpline, information and anti-bullying resources.
Advice and Support
You can always talk to a Youth Support Worker.
Contact: EarlyHelp-enquiries@rotherham.gov.uk
Call: 01709 334905