Protection: Who's Responsibility?
You are both responsible for protecting yourself and your partner against unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
Remember, becoming a parent or telling past or future partners that you have a STI is a greater responsibility than carrying a few condoms, so make sure you plan ahead.
Young people can access Youth Clinics for free confidential advice and information around sex and relationships. You will be treated in a non-judgemental way and receive honest and accurate information in order to help you reach an informed decision about your relationships and sexual health.
Staff at the clinics can offer free contraception such as condoms, contraceptive pills or patches and emergency contraception. You can also access pregnancy and STI testing as well as advice on drug and alcohol issues, healthy relationships, sexuality, safety, sexting, bullying and self harm. You can also talk about other issues such as home or school life.
All the youth clinics are accessible on a drop-in basis. You do not need an appointment. You can attend alone, with your partner, friend, or a family member if you need a little support.