What is a Fun Palace?
A Fun Palace is a get together made by the community for the community and can be a 1 off activity as part of the celebration weekend held every October, or held regularly.
The local community get together and share their interests, so for example if you are interested in cooking, or crafts, or playing an instrument, you might want to be a ‘maker’ at a Fun Palace! Local people then come along and try new things and have fun! Fun Palaces can happen anywhere! Community centres, cafes, libraries, parks-we have venues across Rotherham for you to use, or you can suggest your own. Activities can last 20 minutes to an hour, a full day or all weekend!
What happens at a Fun Palace?
Whatever you want! There is no right or wrong way for a Fun Palace to happen. Fun Palaces are packed with arts, sciences, history, heritage, tech, sports and more. Past activities have included origami, photography, gardening, recipe sharing, science and ecology talks, crafts, cooking, Morris dancing, sword dancing, to name but a few! If you have an interest or hobby you’d like to share-give us a call!
Why do people make Fun Palaces?
People make Fun Palaces for all kinds of reasons. Some people want to feel more connected to their local community. Some people already feel connected but want the chance to do something fun together. Some people are already doing Fun Palace type activity but want to join the nationwide campaign and do it the same time as everyone else.

What Rotherham Makers have said about taking part in Fun palaces
It brought new members to the group
I’ve got support and info from the Ambassador
I’ve got a relationship with the venue and we now use it regularly
I loved finding out what makers are out there and what else there is in the community
Support for Rotherham amateur creatives
Amateur creatives and groups across Rotherham are fantastic! They provide an outlet for people to get together, learn new skills and have fun, aiding the well-being of Rotherham! If you are a group, or maker and want any advice/support the ambassador will try and help.
New creative writing group
Some Rotherham creatives with an interest in creative writing, are trying to set up a new group to get together-if you would like to join the group-get in touch!
Mental health exhibition
In Feb 2024, we are holding an exhibition of work around the theme of mental health, with works created be people with ‘lived experience’ or by carers. If you would like to exhibit a piece, or know more, just get in contact.
New groups
If you would like to get together with other people with a similar interest and set up a new group, get in contact.
Please contact Rotherham's Fun Palace Ambassador: Rhiannon Lister-Coburn or 01709 334476 (my usual working days are Tuesday and Wednesday).