Health Visiting

The Rotherham Children’s Public Health Nursing service incorporates the health visiting and school nursing teams along with other community practitioners to promote healthy lifestyles and to provide advice and support for children, young people, families, and carers.

Based in north, south and central locations across the Borough, the team offer a range of home and clinic contacts.

The Health Visiting team will offer everyone visits to check on their child’s development and to give parents the information and support they need as their child grows.

These visits may include:

  • atenatal contact - before your baby is born
  • new birth visit - before your baby is 14 days old
  • 6 to 8 week contact
  • 3 to 4 month visit
  • 1 year development review - between 9 to 12 months
  • 2 year development review - between 2 to 2 and a half years

The Health Visiting team can provide further support to parents by providing:

  • development checks for your child
  • information and advice on physical and emotional development
  • advice on establishing good sleep habits
  • information on keeping your child safe, reducing the risk of accident and injury
  • breastfeeding advice and support
  • healthy eating and introducing solid foods advice
  • immunisations
  • help and advice on minor illnesses

The development journey of your child

Further information is also available to help families to understand the development journey of their child, and how your Health Visitor will help at key points on that journey. 

Visit the NHS website to find out more: Your baby's health and development reviews

Infant crying

Crying is part of a baby’s language. Crying is normal but can be hard to cope with. When your baby cries a lot, it can be very stressful and you may feel lonely. ICON is a resource to provide reassurance and practical help to help you manage this and get support if you are struggling. 

Advice is available on the ICON website at: Home - ICON Cope 

Safe sleeping

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), through providing well evidenced and practical advice on simple steps every parent can take to keep their babies safe while sleeping. 

To access expert advice on safer sleep for babies, visit the Lullaby Trust website: The Lullaby Trust - Safer sleep for babies, Support for families 

Health visiting

Learn more about your local health visiting service

The Rotherham Children’s Public Health service has created an app where you can learn more around your local Health Visiting and School Nursing service along with information and advice on children’s health.

Download on the Google Play Store

Download on the App Store

Rotherham children s public health nursing service logo