Made in Rotherham area

Celebrating the creativity, vibrancy, resilience, and diversity of our town the Made in Rotherham Area will showcase flavours from the borough through art, making, horticulture, performance, community, climate conversations and much more.

Made in Rotherham Horticultural Show

Saturday Midday to 5pm

Sunday 11am to 4:30pm (awards ceremony 3pm)


Makers, bakers, growers, and creators come together over the show weekend to enter an amazing list of classes, from floral arts and crochet to best bakes and biggest veg!

The Allotment (The Vegetable Nannies) by Plunge Boom!

Saturday and Sunday

Vegetables with nappies and baby faces

Inside the Made in Rotherham Horticultural Show marquee throughout the weekend The Vegetable Nannies invite you to join them in their Allotment for a bit of gardening and childcare. They love nothing more than proudly showing off their allotment cherubs.

SEED by Pif-Paf

Saturday & Sunday, Midday and 3:30pm

Seed by Piff Paff

A surprising and inspiring hitch-hike on the journey from small acorns to great oaks with a rockabilly tree-planting anarcho-nomad. Join Wilford, planting trees where he shouldn’t, living in his shed and on the run from his past and his archenemies, slugs, who are out to get him for his contraband seeds.

NEW! Eco Village

New to this year is the Eco Village where you can chat to Rotherham Council’s Climate Team, enjoy inspiring performances and parading puppets, take part in family games, sample mindful yoga, get advice and information from our partners and make a personal pledge for the environment.

Climate Tent

Saturday and Sunday, all day

Step into our new Climate Tent and join Rotherham Council’s Climate and Energy Team who will be prompting climate conversations, offering information on Climate Action Funding and energy advice, with Carbon Footprint games and mindfulness colouring.

Embrace nature and creativity whilst you Make Your Own Natural Hedgehog with Artful and artist Jo Veal in drop-in workshops suitable for ages three plus using foraged materials and natural treasures. Join in with interactive games in Achieve Your Goals C.I.C’s sustainability corner.

Daughters of Coal by Chol Theatre

Saturday and Sunday, 11:20am and 2:50pm

Daughters of Coal

Step into 1984 South Yorkshire, where steely-willed women come together in a powerful show filled with songs that stir the soul and laughter that heals the heart.

These women are fed up, fired up and ready to fight for a brighter future. Witness their incredible story of unity and resilience, proving that even when hope seems a flickering ember, the spirit of sisterhood can rewrite the story.

VAR (Voluntary Action Rotherham)

Saturday and Sunday

Come along to VAR’s tent to find out more about the wonderful charities and groups helping Rotherham communities. Our Saturday is themed around mental health and wellbeing, and there will be plenty of free, fun activities for folks to get involved in, as well as lots of information about help that is available.

On the Sunday we will be joined by members of our Family Hubs network; come along for some fun for all the family, including a dedicated quiet, sensory teepee for any children that might need some time out.

Share and Repair with Rivelin Co

Saturday only, Midday until 5pm

Come along to this free community share and repair skillshare where brilliant volunteers will offer fabric fixes, small electrical repairs, and bike services – all for free!

Craft Swap and The Borrow Shop South Yorkshire with Rivelin Co

Sunday only, all day

This craft swap offers you the chance to exchange your spare crafty bits for something new, and find out about The Borrow Shop South Yorkshire, an affordable equipment borrowing scheme for artists, facilitators, community groups and cultural organisations across the region.

Museum Hub

Saturday and Sunday, all day

Museum hub

Join Rotherham Museums, Arts and Heritage as they celebrate their latest Clifton Park Museum exhibition Our Habitat, Our Home. Their beloved taxidermy brown bear Marco is back to explore the past, present, and future of Rotherham’s habitats and explore what we can all do to help climate change.


Their themed tent is inspired by the exhibition, and there will be intergenerational drop-in activities throughout the show. You can make your own climate protest flags with artist Dan Jones to take away or take part in Nelson’s Cub Club under 5’s sensory activities. Activities are suitable for all ages 0 to 100 plus go along and get involved.

Roaming Puppets

Saturday and Sunday

Meet Reign and Hope, Rotherham’s very own climate puppets as they visit Rotherham Show and take a stroll around Clifton Park.


Hope the Hedgehog

Prepare to be captivated by this enchanting hedgehog puppet! With her giant size, stunning design, and playful nature, Hope delights children and adults alike, leaving a lasting impression wherever she goes.

Audiences are invited to become part of Hope's journey by interacting with 'Hope's Helpers.' Share your 'Hope for the Future' on a paper leaf and add to the 'Forest of Hope' on her back. Together, we'll create a beautiful collective vision for Rotherham's future. Experience the magic with Hope and be part of something truly special!



Join us to welcome Reign on their second outing, this time exploring the stunning green space of Clifton Park, where they will be joined by Hope the Hedgehog and take it in turns to parade across the park from the Eco Village, sharing their important messages with the public.

It’s About Time by Let’s Circus in the Magpie Big Top

Saturday and Sunday, 12:30pm and 4pm

Circus Performers for its about time.

Facing a time of austerity, circus artists have become part-time workers at a recycling centre. Searching for items to recycle, reuse or repair they stumble upon a time machine!

This action-packed, fun-filled adventure will help discover ways to work together towards a better future. Shows are free but ticketed, available on a first come, first served basis both days.

Sustainable Fashion Show in the Magpie Big Top

Saturday and Sunday, 1:30pm until 2:30pm

Achieve Your Goals C.I.C. will be hosting this sustainable fashion show encouraging people to reuse, repurpose and recycle with Rotherham Hospice providing the clothes.

There will be four categories with models aged seven to eleven, twelve to 17, 18 to 29 and 30 plus taking part in this eco-conscious fashion show.

Yoga/Meditation Workshop in the Magpie Big Top

Saturday and Sunday, 11:30am until midday

Join Achieve Your Goals C.I.C. for wellbeing yoga, breathing and meditative workshops. First come first served, sign-up for free before 11:30am and don’t forget to wear suitable clothing and bring a yoga mat.

Comedy Hour in the Magpie Big Top

Laugh your socks off in the Magpie Big Top with this family-friendly comedy hour each day with six brilliant comedians and compere (and also very funny) Anthony J. Brown.

Saturday, 2:30pm until 3:30pm

Sunday, 2:30pm until 3:30pm

El Baldiniho


El Baldinho

‘Does one of the funniest jokes I have ever seen’ – Rich Hall.

Hilarious Tommy Cooper-style antics as seen on Britain’s Got Talent, John Bishop’s Britain, The Mad Bad Ad Show and Sorry I’ve Got No Head for CBBC.

Steffen Peddie


Steffan Peddle

Fondly known as The Big Man of Northern Comedy, Steffen is famous for playing Big Keith in BBC2’s hit comedy sitcom Hebburn, being a late-night radio phone in host on BBC Newcastle and Tees and an acclaimed stand-up comedian.

However, your kids will know him better as Manny from CBBC’s The Dumping Ground or as the Lord Mayor from CBBC’s Danny and Mick.

Duncan Oakley


Duncan Oakley

‘The future of Rock N' Roll comedy’ - NME.

As seen on Channel 4's Slam and ITV's Comedy Café and a regular guest on Radio 4's Shappi Talk.

A sought-after festival performer all over Europe with an eye and ear for the silly, playful, and downright irritating occurrences of life Duncan musters up songs that tickle the funny bone. He has also emerged as one of the most popular comedians on the circuit of kid’s comedy shows.

Jeddy Bear and Gary Live


Teddy bear and Gary

An electrifying comedic double act known for their spirited embrace of silliness, clowning, and pure chaos. Their performances, a high-energy blend of humour and unrestrained fun, leave audiences of all ages in stitches.

Noticeable for their distinctive look and comedic style, Jeddy and Gary have earned multiple award nominations, including a notable recognition for Best Kids Show at the Leicester Comedy Awards.

Eleri Morgan


Eleri Morgan

‘Funny, charming and a little bit manic’ - Joke Pit.

A brilliant Welsh stand up and writer, she was a series regular in the acclaimed improvised sitcom ‘Tourist Trap’ on BBC One Wales and was tour support for Peep Show’s Isy Suttie.

Her professional writing and performing credits include Mock the Week, Have I Got News For You, The News Quiz and The Now Show. She was this year’s recipient of the coveted BBC Comedy bursary and is a regular on the kid’s comedy scene

Stephen Carlin


Stephen Carlin

'One of the ten best comedians in the world ever’ - Stewart Lee.

Caledonian wit from The Alternative Comedy Experience, Comedy at The Fringe, Edinburgh and Beyond and Comedy Cuts as well as featuring on Radio 4’s Loose Ends and Friday Night Live, Stephen has earned critical kudos and a growing fan base with his insightful writing style and accomplished delivery. He has provided UK tour support for Tom Stade, Stewart Lee, and Stephen Merchant.

Compere - Anthony J. Brown

Saturday and Sunday

Anthony J Brown

Edinburgh Festival Metro Award Winner and BBC New Comedy Award runner up.

‘A lightning-fast ad libber’ - The List.

Produce and Makers’ Market

The market will offer a great mix of the handmade, eclectic, unusual and the downright tasty, from small businesses around the borough and beyond.

Our Produce and makers market will be featuring stalls from: 

  • Carly's Candy Creations
  • Cocoa Drop
  • Embark Pet Services
  • Lilly’s Crafts
  • Narjis Heritage Crafts
  • Quirkby
  • Sparkles Candles
  • Sustainable Planet Shop
  • Toadstool House Art

We’re certain you’ll enjoy a stroll around this wonderful market and perhaps pick up a treat or two for yourself while you’re there!
