
Make your way to the beautiful Bandstand to see the great vehicle displays taking place on Saturday and Sunday and soak up the atmosphere while listening to the great performances scheduled throughout the weekend.

Evs Up North

Saturday only, 11am until 5pm

A static display of electric vehicles by the Yorkshire EV Club, who will also be on hand to give advice and information.

Vintage Vehicle Display

Sunday only, 11am until 5pm

The much-loved Vintage Vehicle Display will once again bring you an eclectic mix of vehicles dating from pre-1950’s right up to the 90’s and beyond with a fabulous static display all day at the Bandstand.

The winners’ presentation will take place at 4:30pm with the Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor Sheila Cowen.

Vintage Vehicles at the Bandstand

Music at the Bandstand

Female performer, performing at the bandstand


Performers Start Time
Miss Trixie Holiday 11:00am
Thurcroft Welfare Band Midday
Miss Trixie Holiday 1:15pm
Rotherham Town Brass Band 2:00pm
Steel City Ukes 3:15pm


Performers Start time
To be confirmed    11:00am
Dinnington Colliery Band Midday
Miss Trixie Holiday 1:15pm
Maltby Miners Welfare Band 2:00pm
Miss Trixie Holiday 3:15pm