The Eastwood Deal is an initiative that identifies and tackles local issues within Eastwood village, and celebrates and builds on the sense of community spirit that exists within the area.
The scheme launched in 2016 with an emphasis on anti-social behaviour, crime and the environment. Working with local community organisations and residents the Council, Police and other partners have been able to take direct action to help improve the safety and appearance of the neighbourhood.. While there remains a focus on tackling anti-social behaviour and responding to environmental concerns, the Eastwood Deal has evolved into a multi-agency approach which tackles a range of locally identified issues such as improving housing, health and wellbeing and employment opportunities, thus increasing the quality of life for all residents.
The Eastwood Deal involves an array of partners working alongside Eastwood residents including public sector organisations such as Rotherham Council and South Yorkshire Police, as well as community and voluntary groups including Eastwood Village Primary School, Clifton Learning Partnership and Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance.
Latest news
Over £290m investment set to be approved for improvements to Council homes and delivery of new properties across Rotherham
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet is set to approve £291m over the next four years to improve Council properties, deliver new homes and provide aids and adaptions to enable residents to stay in their homes
Cabinet set to allocate over £3million of funding to support Rotherham residents
Funding worth over £3million has been earmarked to support a range of projects to help local residents boost their businesses.
Making waves! New steak and seafood restaurant coming to Forge Island
A NEW steak and seafood restaurant is set to sizzle into Forge Island – and it will open in time for the summer holidays.
The Eastwood Deal priority themes
Effective response to crime and antisocial behaviour and environmental issues
- Monitoring the Public Space Protection Order which was introduced in 2019
- Co-ordinating joint patrols between Council officers and South Yorkshire Police
- Tackling child sexual and criminal exploitation through early intervention
- Tackling drug issues
- Ensuring the effective disposal of household waste and recycling and tackling flytipping
Develop the quality and management of housing and stabilise housing tenure
- Developing vacant sites
- Supporting Clifton Learning Partnership to become a social landlord
- Reassuring private tenants of their rights and reminding them of their responsibilities
- Exploring options to invest in housing and regeneration
Improving local green space
- Working with Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust on their Natural Neighbours project on Eldon Road playing fields
- Identifying and developing opportunities to enhance green spaces and communal areas for public benefit
Promoting arts, culture and sport
- Celebrating the culture and diversity of the area
- Seeking opportunities to engage with people of all ages through sport-based activities and initiatives
Tackling public health inequalities
- Working with partners and workers on the ground to share key public health messages in relevant and accessible ways
- Encouraging positive behaviours around:
- Covid-19
- Mental health
- Substance misuse
- Vaccination and immunisation
- Quitting smoking
Improving educational attainment and opportunities for young people
- Engaging with young people across the community to promote involvement, volunteering and pride in community
- Working with Eastwood Village and St Ann’s Primary Schools to develop creative ways of learning outdoors
Maximising opportunities to enhance skills and access employment opportunities
- Working with Rotherham and North Notts College to deliver classes and including language skills, vocation courses and academic studies
- Helping adults back into work through the Rotherham Pathways programme
Tackling financial exclusion and food poverty
- Signposting to debt advice support and food banks
- Offering virtual drop-in sessions and face-to-face support by appointment at Clifton Learning Partnership
- Assisting European Union citizens with their settled status applications
Ensure quality and consistent communication and engagement
- Promoting the work which is being undertaken by residents, partners and the Council in Eastwood
- Encouraging residents and groups to take pride in where they live, and to get more involved with their community