Tenant engagement in Rotherham

What is Tenant Engagement? 

Tenant engagement is all about how we, at Rotherham Council, work with you, our tenants, to shape the housing services you receive. It's about making sure your voice is heard and your views are at the heart of our decisions.

We work closely with RotherFed, a tenant-led charity, to provide a range of ways for you to get involved. RotherFed supports local communities and tenant groups, helping them get established and have their say.

We have a dedicated Tenant Engagement team, who work alongside RotherFed. Together, we offer a variety of opportunities for you to influence how your housing services are delivered.

Our Tenant Engagement Framework


We want to put the tenants at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that your homes and estates are sustainable, creating vibrant communities in which people feel happy, safe and proud.

Our Tenant Engagement Framework 2022 to 2025 supports our vision and sets out 5 key outcomes which were working with Tenants and RotherFed to achieve.

The framework includes recommendations from TPAS (Tenant Engagement Experts) as part of our recent exemplar accreditation.. These recommendations aim to make sure that we are providing the best possible service for our tenants. 

View the Tenant Engagement Framework

Read more about our Tpas accreditation

Get in touch with the Tenant engagement team

Please click on the link and use the form to get in touch, express your interest in our opportunities, comment on our performance, or to tell us about something happening in your area.