How is my rent calculated
The rent on your home is calculated based on a several factors such as:
- Number of bedrooms
- Value of the Property
- National Rents
- Weekly earnings
Some Council rents are set as ‘affordable rent’, these rents are based on up to 80% of local market (private) rents. Our new build homes may have affordable rents.
Annual Rent Review
All housing rents and services charges are subject to an annual review. This is usually in line with Consumer Prices Inflation (CPI) as at September the preceding year.
Rotherham Council follows Government guidance when calculating its annual review of rents. The annual rent and service charge review sets out the rent increase for the next financial year.
This is then approved around February of each year.
All tenants receive a letter at least 28 days in advance of the new rent year commencing. To inform them of any changes to their weekly rent and service charges (where applicable).
For 2024-25 the annual rent increase has been set at 7.7%. This is in line with government formula of CPI (6.7%) + 1%.
Help & Advice
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or struggling to pay your rent. Please visit our money matters page to find out how we can support you
Money matters – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Rent Setting Policy
You can view the full Government guidelines at the following link:
Policy statement on rents for social housing - GOV.UK (