Apply for work experience at Rotherham Council

Work Experience at Rotherham Council

Work experience wrote in block capitals with key skills outlines around it

Rotherham Council work experience offers a glimpse into council careers through job shadowing and hands-on activities. It helps you discover relevant skills and provides a supportive environment for employees to grow their understanding of the attributes needed for certain job roles.

Your work experience will depend on what department you're in and may include a mix of work shadowing and practical experience. We offer a safe and secure work environment and you'll be treated fairly and with respect.

Whilst we cannot guarantee a work experience placement for everyone who applies, we'll always do our best to support you.

Benefits Of Work Experience

  • Provides opportunities for young people to develop their skills and experiences of a working environment.
  • Enables young people to make informed career choices and understand the types of jobs within the public sector.
  • Gives a real insight into who we are as a Council, how we work and the wide variety of opportunities we have to offer across our many different departments and services.

Learn more about services provided by Rotherham Council