Latest licensing applications

See the current licensing applications made to the Council and find out how to make an objection.

Grant of a new premises license


Whiston Parish Council


Open space - High Street/Turner Lane (junction adjacent to the area known as the
Green), Whiston

The application seeks consent to allow the provision of licensable activities in the open space on a maximum of 3 occasions per year, on either a Saturday or Sunday, between the hours of 12 noon and 8pm. The licensable activities sought in the application are the:

• Sale of alcohol, for consumption on and off the premises;
• Provision of live and recorded music; and
• Performance of plays and dance

The application states the events, which will be organised by Whiston Parish Council, are for the annual Summer fayre and Christmas Fayre, with the third event being held for a general community event.
Representations to this applications must be received no later than the 31st March 2025.

Representations can be emailed direct to

Grant of a new premises license


Samantha Scholey


TCF Hub, (formerly known as the White Building), Clifton Lane, Rotherham, S60 2SN  

The application seeks consent to allow the:

  • Sale of alcohol, for consumption on and off the premises, on every day of the week between 10:00 hours (10am) and 24:00 hours (12 midnight);
  • Provision of regulated entertainment, indoors, by way of live & recorded music and the exhibition of films on every day of the week between 10:00 hours (10am) and 24:00 hours
  • (12 midnight);
  • Provision of late-night refreshment, for consumption inside the premises, on every day of the week between 23:00 hours (11pm) and 24:00 hours (12 midnight)

Representations to this applications must be received no later than the 28 March 2025.

Grant of a new premises license


Sygnature Dish


Sygnature Dish, Unit 3, Market Street, Rotherham, S60 1QE

The application seeks authorisation to allow the:

Sale of alcohol, for consumption on and off the premises, on:

  • Everyday of the week between 08:00 hours (8am) and 22:30 hours (10.30pm)

Representations to this applications must be received no later than the 28 March 2025.

Grant of a new premises license


Rawmarsh Tap Ltd


Rawmarsh Tap, 8 Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh, Rotherham S62 5NB.

The application seeks authorisation to allow the:

Sale of alcohol, for consumption on and off the premises, on:

  • Monday to Saturday between 12:00 hours (noon) and 22:30 hours (10.30pm) and
  • Sunday between 12:00 hours (noon) and 22:00 hours (10pm).

Representations to this applications must be received no later than the 24 March 2025.

Grant of a new premises license


Mr Papy Kunda Musas


J & P Bar & Restaurant, 2/2a Doncaster Gate, Rotherham, S65 1DJ

The application seeks authorisation to allow the:

  • live music indoors: Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 23.00 and Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.00
  • recorded music indoors: Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 23.00 and Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.00
  • performance of dance: Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 23.00 and Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.00
  • late night refreshments: Friday to Sunday 23.00 to 02.00
  • opening hours: Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 23.30 and Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.30
  • sale of alocholo on the premises: Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 23.00 and Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.00

    Representations to this application must be received no late than the 21 April 2025