Changing Places disabled toilets

Many disabled people are unable to use standard accessible toilets because they need more space for mobility and assistance.

Changing Places toilets are different to standard accessible toilets. They have extra features and more space to meet the needs of people with physical disabilities, as well as other people with learning disabilities and their carers.

The toilets have a height adjustable adult-sized changing bench and a track hoist system, or mobile hoist.

There is enough space in the changing area for the disabled person and up to two carers.

The toilet is centrally placed, with a screen or curtain to allow the disabled person and carer some privacy.

To find a changing places toilet in Rotherham, please vist: 

Changing Places Toilets

A Changing Places toilet at Grimm & Co, Rotherham, with a mural on the wall of scrambled letters

Changing Places toilet at Grimm and Co, Rotherham

A Changing Places toilet at Clifton Park, with a toilet, sink and shower and a mural of the park

Changing Places toilet at Clifton Park, Rotherham