Support for autistic people

This page provides links to information about autism, and organisations that can provide support. It also explains how the Council can help you.

Autism is a spectrum condition. This means that it can affect people differently and there is no ‘typical’ autistic person. Every autistic person has their own strengths and their own needs.

If you think you might have autism, you may want to explore getting a diagnosis as it may help you to access support from local services.

Read our Rotherham Autism all-age strategy

Find out more about autism on the NHS website

How we can help

If you need support, you can contact us for an assessment. We can also give you information, advice and guidance to help you remain independent. After your care assessment, we will carry out a financial assessment with you. You may have to contribute towards your care costs.

Find out more about social care assessments

Find out more about paying for your care

Contact the Adult Social Care Team

To find out more about adult social care services, request an assessment, or make an enquiry, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01709 822330