Site Selected
It is proposed that this scheme will make public realm improvements to the shopping area on Brinsworth Lane.
Current Site Issues
The area around the shops has been nominated due to identified parking and pedestrian safety issues. It is also considered that the area would benefit from general upgrades to the public realm to improve the overall appearance for local residents, businesses and visitors to the area.
Scheme progress and next steps
The proposed scheme is currently in a concept design and feasibility phase. Following this, the scheme will enter a consultation phase where local residents and stakeholders will have the opportunity the view the concept proposal and provide their thoughts and feedback.
Should you have any initial feedback, comments or suggestions on the proposal please forward these by email to or contact your Neighbourhoods Team (details below).
For further information on this scheme please contact the Local Neighbourhoods Team:
Neighbourhood Coordinator
Mandy Ardron
Telephone: 01709 254325
Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator
Andrea Peers
Telephone: 07717 450973