Due to national changes to the blue badge scheme Rotherham Council has made alterations to the enforcement regulations regarding blue badges.
Rotherham Council’s Strategic Director for Finance & Customer Services, Judith Badger said: “We are aware that a number of people are having difficulty since the Government changed the blue badge scheme on 30th August. We recommend that people reapply 3 months before their badge expires as the government has advised that it can take up to 12 weeks for an award decision to be made.
“The majority of the problems seem to be related to those national changes to the scheme which requires applicants to provide more information and, in some cases, medical evidence is required that was previously not necessary. Those are issues that are beyond our control; however we are trying to assist people where we can.
“With this in mind we have taken the decision that, as long as a person has reapplied for a blue badge before their current one expired, they can continue using their existing badge in Rotherham until they either receive a new one or they are informed that their reapplication has not been successful.”
Advice for blue badge renewal
- You can apply for yourself, someone else or an organisation.
- A Blue Badge costs £10.
- You must reapply for a Blue Badge before your current one expires.
- We recommend that you reapply 3 months before your badge expires as the government has advised that it can take up to 12 weeks for an award decision to be made.
What you’ll need
You’ll need a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders.
You’ll also need a photo or scan of your:
- proof of identity (such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence)
- proof of address (such as a Council Tax bill or government letter)
- proof of benefits (if you get any)
You’ll also need to know:
- your National Insurance number (if you have one)
- the details of your current Blue Badge (if you’re reapplying)
In some cases we might need to also ask you to provide additional evidence from the healthcare professional involved in your diagnosis, care or ongoing treatment.