Litter-pickers in hand, Rotherham Councillors are set to walk to the town centre alongside staff from McDonald’s restaurants on Thursday 24 March, bagging rubbish as they go. This will mark the start
Keep Britain Tidy and its sponsors, including McDonald’s, have teamed up for another year to safely bring communities together across the country, to help clean the litter that blights beaches, beauty spots and streets.
Individuals, schools, other councils, local groups and businesses will all help keep local communities clean, green and litter-free.
Councillor Dominic Beck, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, who is set to take part in the clean, said: “The Council’s vision is to create a clean and welcoming environment across our borough, and in turn secure our natural environment for the next generation.
“Spring Clean encourages people to help towards that goal here in Rotherham and across Great Britain, that’s why we’re getting out and encouraging others to do the same.”
It’s hoped that over a million miles of litter-picking will take place during the Great British Spring Clean.
As the UK's largest mass-action environmental campaign, organisers are hoping this year will be bigger and better than ever.
If it fits, you can place the litter you’ve picked straight into your own outdoor bins at home. If you plan to collect a large amount of litter, contact Rotherham Council ahead of your activity to get advice about what to do with it.
For help and advice on the Great British Spring Clean, contact Wayne Munro-Smith, Love where you Live Project Co-Ordinator at Rotherham Council on 01709 823726 or email: lovewhereyoulive@rotherham.gov.uk
People wishing to take part can meet at the following McDonald’s restaurants at 10am on Thursday 24 March, they will then walk to the town centre:
- Dalton
- Parkgate
- Canklow
- Bramley (meet at Herringthorpe Fields, stadium car park)
- Rotherham town centre restaurant volunteers will pick litter around the town centre
For more information on this year’s Great British Spring Clean visit - www.keepbritaintidy.org