![Cllr David Roche with Emma Hillitt and the team from RDASH](/images/LUF_News_Images__19_.png)
Rotherham Council and health partners across the borough are raising awareness of the risks of smoking and the services available to help you quit on No Smoking Day 2023.
No Smoking Day is a national awareness day which aims to help smokers who want to quit smoking by highlighting the support available.
This year, No Smoking Day is focusing on the theme: Smoking and Dementia. According to Alzheimers UK, there is strong evidence that smoking can increase your risk of dementia.
Along with a higher risk of getting dementia, smokers are also at higher risk of other health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and respiratory illnesses such as COPD.
There is a broad range of support in Rotherham to help those wanting to quit. This includes the Get Healthy Rotherham Service which offers a quit smoking service to any resident looking to beat the habit.
Through the Get Healthy Rotherham Service, you will have access to your own Get Healthy Coach who will provide you with support and motivation for up to three months to help you quit. You will also get advice on different ways to stop smoking, including the use of nicotine replacement therapy such as nicotine gum and patches.
There is also support through the NHS Better Health service, which is available to access online at www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking or by downloading the free NHS Quit Smoking app.
If you are pregnant, there is also specialist support through Rotherham Hospital’s Smoking in Pregnancy team which offers weekly face-to-face visits or telephone support, free nicotine replacement treatment and information on using the e-cigarette, and other support throughout your pregnancy and postnatal period. Further information is available at www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/Maternity_and_Gynaecology/Stopping_Smoking_During_Pregnancy.
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Cllr David Roche, said: “If you are wanting to quit smoking, for whatever reason be it to improve your health or to cut down on your outgoing expenses, make the first step today by talking to one of our friendly services such as Get Healthy Rotherham or the Rotherham Smoking in Pregnancy team.
“You are four times more likely to quit smoking when you get support. There is also advice, guidance and support available through the use of the NHS quit smoking app and website so you can find the best way to stop smoking that fits with your goals so please do not struggle alone. Find a way that works best for you and kick the habit for good.”
Bev Farnish, Health Improvement Manager with the Tobacco Treatment Team at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Stopping smoking is one of the best things people can do to improve their health. We know smoking is an addiction and we’re here to help those who are ready to start their smoke-free journey.
"Inpatients at the hospital, those attending outpatient clinics, or patients receiving care in their own home can all access support to quit smoking from our Tobacco Treatment Advisors. As well as behavioural support, we can provide nicotine replacement therapies and help patients access community-based services.”
There are other benefits when you quit smoking too. On average, when you quit smoking, you could save up to £38 per week which equates to saving roughly £2,000 a year.
When you quit smoking, you are also reducing your risk of accidental fires. While fires from smoking cigarettes are relatively infrequent, they remain the leading cause of fatal house fires
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Area Manager, Matt Gillatt, said: “Whilst they are generally quite rare these days, the nature of smoking fires means that they can be some of the most dangerous.”
“We fully support No Smoking Day and anyone who is embarking on their smoke-free journey. Not only does it benefit your health, it really can reduce your risk of having a potentially life-threatening fire.
“If you are still smoking as you begin your journey, our advice would be to ensure you use proper ash trays, and never smoke when you’re feeling tired or drowsy.”
Further information about safeguarding your home from fires is available at www.syfire.gov.uk/safety-advice.